Memories From the 75th Anniversary in 2000
Paul and Susan M. Wayne
Maiden name: Susan Minks
Parents: Jerome T. and Mary Louise (Heatherton) Wayne
Robert and Joanne Minks
Susan became a St. Thomas parishioner in 1955 when she was baptized. Her First Communion was in 1963 and Confirmation in 1967. She graduated from St. Thomas school in 1969. Paul also became a St. Thomas parishioner in 1955, received his First Communion in 1962, and was confirmed in 1967. He, too, graduated from St. Thomas School in 1969. They were married in 1997.
Susan's Memories
Catechism classes 2nd grade to 4th grade. My father joining the church. St. Thomas School 1965-1969. Folk music in the early 1970's Masses. Left Catholic church in 1972-came back in 1994. Coming to Mass at "New" church with my parents in 1995. The weekend of the 1996 tornadoes - meeting old classmate, Paul Wayne. We were married 5/25/1997 by Father Dennis. I am a member of parish council and RC/A sponsor. I am enjoying acting as coordinator for the 75th Anniversary.
Paul's Memories
Fr. Masterson/half-day classes in first and second grades/ catechism/combined grades classroom/first communion on Thanksgiving Day/first assignment as an altar boy: Friday Night Novena/Easter vacations/recesses in Monroe Park/algebra with Sr. Bernadette/5th and 6th grade in Mrs. Lawson's classroom/master of ceremonies of all 8th grade programs and /actor at weekday Masses (courtesy of Sr. Patricia)/kickbal1 in 1st and 2nd grade/ 8th grade class trip to St. Louis.
Folk Masses in the old church/the choir loft/the first Saturday evening Masses/Latin/changes after Vatican II/Father Wuertz/Father Worland/ Father Tracey/the new church under construction/the baptism of each of my daughters/numerous funerals/Confirmation/parish council/ RC/A/Father Dennis arriving/old acquaintances leave/new ones arriving/tornado weekend 1996/former classmate reintroduces herself/married on Memorial Day weekend 1997-my first wedding in new church building as a witness or participant!!