


The Catholic Church teaches that the seven sacraments are outward signs of inward grace, instituted by Christ for our sanctification.

Baptism — We are formally received into the Catholic Community through Baptism. Specific arrangements are made in advance by calling the Rectory. You need to be a registered parishioner before baptism is scheduled. Please contact the parish office at 877-4146.

Confirmation — In Confirmation, individuals receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit like the Apostles at Pentecost. Children attending the Parish School of Religion program at Our Lady of Lourdes receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the third grade according to diocesan guidelines. Confirmed members, with the help of the Holy Spirit, continue to evangelize others and build up the Body of Christ. If you are an adult who has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation and would like to be confirmed, please contact the parish office at 877-4146.

Holy Eucharist — Holy Eucharist is celebrated at Mass as we receive Jesus in the consecrated bread and the Precious Blood. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are specially trained to assist in distributing Communion during Mass and to bring Eucharist to the sick and homebound.

Reconciliation — We ask God’s forgiveness for our sins through the sacrament of Reconciliation. Private confession is available:

At St. Thomas

  • Sundays: 9:15 am – 9:50 am
  • Wednesdays: 7:30 am – 8:10 am

Please call Fr. Stone at 877-4146 to make an appointment for confessions outside of these times. Communal penance services take place twice a year at various churches in Decatur during Advent and Lent. Rejoice in God’s love and mercy! The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows you to experience the healing gift of God’s love!

First Reconciliation is celebrated by children in the second grade in preparation for First Eucharist, receiving the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time and Confirmation. Catechetical preparation is given through the Religious Education Program held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church.

Anointing of the Sick — The sacrament of the sick is a healing sacrament of anointing for persons seriously ill, facing hospitalization that may involve surgery or other life-threatening procedures. The reception of this sacrament involves forgiveness of all sin. The sacrament is administered by our priests during healing Masses and also privately. Please contact Fr. Stone at 877-4146 to request this healing sacrament.

Marriage — In a sacramental marriage, a man and a woman make a lifelong gift of themselves to each other. Roman Catholics are required to be married in church by a Priest or Deacon. To ensure understanding of all that their gift involves, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois requires 4 to 6 months of preparation time. Couples seeking the sacrament of Marriage need to be registered parishioners. Please contact the parish office at 877-4146.

Holy Orders — Holy Orders is the sacrament in which a person’s call by God to be of special service to the Church is ratified by the bishop. The bishop ordains the person for service to the community and the Church as a whole. For more information on discerning a call to Holy Orders, please speak with our pastor, Fr. Jason Stone, at 217-877-4146 and visit the vocations area of the diocesan website.

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