The early Christians gathered in small groups, most frequently in a home. That experience allowed a deep sharing of faith and life. Today, SCCs facilitate that sharing in the presence of trusted friends. Relationships are formed in which sharing, listening, and genuine communication are nurtured. The sharing of faith leads to action on behalf of others.
A small church community is a group of 6 to 12 people who gather on a regular basis to talk about the ways their faith meets daily life. Small Church Communities at St. Thomas meet to pray, learn more about Catholic teachings, share faith experiences, socialize together, provide support to each other, and reach out to others through social justice service initiatives. Some of the groups at St. Thomas have met for over a dozen years!
The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. –Acts 2:42
Most Small Church Communities gather in homes twice monthly on a day or evening of their choice. Members of the SCC take turns hosting the meetings at their homes. The Sunday scripture readings are the focus for most of the small church communities in our parish.Small group gatherings include prayer, reading from the scriptures, reflection, sharing some of the important events of our lives, and closing with prayer. Some groups also seek outreach opportunities in the community to bring the Gospel message to those who need to experience the loving heart of God.
Joining a small community complements an adult’s individual study and prayer and participation in Sunday Eucharist by providing an opportunity to reflect on the events of our lives and God’s presence to us in them. A group can decide to meet at whatever time, day, and place that is most convenient for them.
The parish will provide the groups with copies of Exploring the Sunday Readings and assist in creating new groups. We are always ready to help form new groups or to help an individual find a small group to belong to – some groups are actively seeking a new member or two! For more information or help in finding a group or starting one, call the parish office at 877-4146.