Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions


Praying for each other’s intentions is an important part of our parish life. During each Holy Mass, you will usually hear an intention for “the prayers in our hearts and for the special intentions mentioned in our petition book.”

Write your intentions in the Book of Petitions. The parish petition book is located on a stand in the chapel under the gaze of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. An amber candle burns constantly for these prayer intentions. These intentions will be remembered in our intercessions at all Masses. If you would like the parish to pray for your intention, please write the intention in the book. The petitions in the book are usually anonymous.

Feel free to look back at previous pages in the book to see how God is working powerfully through prayer in our parish family. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to write prayer intentions in our Parish Book of Prayers.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Prayer List

Praying for the sick is something we are called to do as disciples of Jesus. The names of those for whom we are praying are listed in the bulletin, with the permission of the person who is sick or their family. Please call the parish office to add a name to the prayer list.

Mass Intentions

You may request to have a Mass offered for a loved one or a family member, living or deceased, for a birthday, anniversary, special occasion, or a special intention. Arrangements may be made by calling the parish office at 877-4146. Mass cards are also available. Please be aware that Mass Intentions are often requested months in advance and a particular date may not be available.

The Mass intentions for the coming months are listed below. Call the parish office to schedule a Mass intention for an available date.



Sunday, December 1, Denise Mennel †

Monday, December 2, For the People

Tuesday, December 3, Lenora (Sug) Lee †

Wednesday, December 4, Polly Hensley †

Thursday, December 5, Mary Lou Glenn

Friday, December 6, Steve John †

Saturday, December 7, NO MASS

Sunday, December 8, Nick Nichols † (Annv. Birthday)

Monday, December 9, 9:15am, For the People

                                            12 Noon, Msgr. James O’Shea †

Tuesday, December 10, Most Abandoned Holy Souls

Wednesday, December 11, Hierarchy of the Church

Thursday, December 12, Anita ‘Tudy’ Culp †

Friday, December 13, Mary Lou Glenn

Saturday, December 14, NO MASS

Sunday , December 15, Pius Chineke †

Monday, December 16, Herbert Dulle †

Tuesday, December 17, For the People

Wednesday, December 18, Lenora (Sug) Lee †

Thursday, December 19, Bishops, Priests, Seminarians of Diocese of Springfield

 Friday, December 20, Norma Wilson †

Saturday, December 21, NO MASS

Sunday , December 22, Steve John †

Monday, December 23, For the People 

Tuesday, December 24, Delmer Collett †

Wednesday, December 25, Ruth Fraizer †

Thursday, December 26, Msgr. James O’Shea †

Friday, December 27, Happy Repose Souls of all priests

Saturday, December 28, NO MASS

Sunday, December 29, Nick Nichols † (Annv. Death)

Monday, December 30, For the People

Tuesday, December 31, Pat and Opal Mullen ††


Wednesday, January 1, For the People

Thursday, January 2, Msgr. James O’Shea †

Friday, January 3, Kay Henry †

Saturday, January 4 NO MASS

Sunday, January 5, Steve John †

Monday, January 6, Alfred Mullen †

Tuesday, January 7, For the People

Wednesday, January 8, Msgr. James O’Shea †

Thursday, January 9, Robert Glenn †

Friday, January 10, Richard Boland (Annv. Death) †

Saturday, January 11 NO MASS

Sunday, January 12, Leona (Sug) Lee †

Monday, January 13, For the People

Tuesday, January 14, Msgr. James O’Shea †

Wednesday, January 15, Special Intention

Thursday, January 16, Marge & Delmer Collett ††

 Friday , January 17, Ruth & Clarence Ireland ††

Saturday, January 18 NO MASS

Sunday, January 19, Norm Hensley †

Monday, January 20, Lyle Tappendorf †

Tuesday, January 21, For the People

Wednesday, January 22, Robert Hinkle †

Thursday, January 23, Jan Vandercar †

Friday, January 24, Msr. James O’Shea

Saturday, January 25 NO MASS

Sunday, January 26, Ruth Frazier †

Monday, January 27, David Peterson †

Tuesday, January 28, For the People

Wednesday, January 29, Jan Vandercar †

Thursday, January 30, Richard & Carman Boland †† (Annv.)

Friday, January 31, Lyle Tappendorf †


Saturday, February 1 NO MASS

Sunday, February 2, Georgina Wightman  †

Monday, February 3, Jan Vandercar †

Tuesday, February 4, For the People

Wednesday, February 5, Janet Schollmeier †

Thursday, February 6, Patty Perry †

Friday, February 7, Betty and Francis Perry ††

Saturday, February 8 NO MASS

Sunday, February 9, Deceased Ireland Family †

Monday, February 10, Mary Lou Glenn (Birthday)

Tuesday, February 11, For the People

Wednesday, February 12, Patty Perry †

Thursday, February 13, James Nolan Jr. †

 Friday , February 14, Jan Vandercar †

Saturday, February 15 NO MASS

Sunday, February 16, Mary Lou Gardner †

Monday, February 17, Foster Family

Tuesday, February 18, For the People

Wednesday, February 19, Robert Glenn †

Thursday, February 20, Jan Vandercar †

Friday, February 21, Patty Perry † 

Saturday, February 22 NO MASS     

Sunday , February 23, Msgr. James O’Shea †

Monday, February 24, Jeremy Mathis †

Tuesday, February 25, For the People

Wednesday, February 26, Peterson Family (Deceased)

Thursday , February 27, JoAnn Wayne †

Friday , February 28, Betty & Francis Perry ††


† Deceased

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